Code | Description |
401 | Unauthorized. Include a WWW-Authenticate header field containing a challenge applicable to the requested resource. |
403 | Forbidden. The request was a valid request, but the server is refusing to respond to it. 403 error semantically means "unauthorized", i.e. the user does not have the necessary permissions for the resource. |
404 | Not Found. The requested resource could not be found. |
422 | Unprocessable Entity. The request was well-formed but was unable to be followed due to semantic errors. |
500 | Internal Server Error. An unexpected condition was encountered. |
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Product ID Validations:
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Product code Validations:
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Product name Validations:
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Product status Validations:
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Version 5 only. One of ‘name’, ‘status’, ‘class_type’. The product information to be included in the product data response. Use comma to join multiple fields. Validations:
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Version 5 only. One of ‘product_class’, ‘product_family’, ‘brand’, ‘attribute_values’, ‘association_attribute_values’,‘dimension’, ‘packed_dimension’, ‘product_categories’, ‘catalogs’, ‘shipping_zones’, ‘price_items’, ‘inventories’, ‘media_items’, ‘entity_identifiers’, ‘child_product_variations’, ‘parent_product_kits’, ‘parent_product_groups’, ‘parent_product_variations’, ‘child_kit_members’, ‘child_group_members’. The information related to the product to be included in the product data response. Use comma to join multiple fields. Validations:
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Return products only at the root level. Defaults to true. Only applicable to CC V3 tenants Validations:
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Extra identifier name added via EntityIdentifier endpoint Validations:
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Extra entity identifier key added via EntityIdentifier endpoint Validations: