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Code | Description |
401 | Unauthorized. Include a WWW-Authenticate header field containing a challenge applicable to the requested resource. |
403 | Forbidden. The request was a valid request, but the server is refusing to respond to it. 403 error semantically means "unauthorized", i.e. the user does not have the necessary permissions for the resource. |
404 | Not Found. The requested resource could not be found. |
422 | Unprocessable Entity. The request was well-formed but was unable to be followed due to semantic errors. |
500 | Internal Server Error. An unexpected condition was encountered. |
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Param name | Description |
per_page optional |
Number of objects in one response. Default is 50 Validations:
page optional |
Page number. Default is 1 Validations:
created_time_from optional |
ISO_8601 format 2016-05-30T05:13:26Z Validations:
created_time_to optional |
ISO_8601 format 2016-05-30T05:13:26Z Validations:
updated_time_from optional |
ISO_8601 format 2016-05-30T05:13:26Z Validations:
updated_time_to optional |
ISO_8601 format 2016-05-30T05:13:26Z Validations:
id optional |
Product ID Validations:
code optional |
Product code Validations:
name optional |
Product name Validations:
status optional |
Product status Validations:
response_product_fields optional |
Version 5 only. One of ‘name’, ‘status’, ‘class_type’. The product information to be included in the product data response. Use comma to join multiple fields. Validations:
response_associated_fields optional |
Version 5 only. One of ‘product_class’, ‘product_family’, ‘brand’, ‘attribute_values’, ‘association_attribute_values’,‘dimension’, ‘packed_dimension’, ‘product_categories’, ‘catalogs’, ‘shipping_zones’, ‘price_items’, ‘inventories’, ‘media_items’, ‘entity_identifiers’, ‘child_product_variations’, ‘parent_product_kits’, ‘parent_product_groups’, ‘parent_product_variations’, ‘child_kit_members’, ‘child_group_members’. The information related to the product to be included in the product data response. Use comma to join multiple fields. Validations:
root_products_only optional |
Return products only at the root level. Defaults to true. Only applicable to CC V3 tenants Validations:
identifier_name optional |
Extra identifier name added via EntityIdentifier endpoint Validations:
entity_key optional |
Extra entity identifier key added via EntityIdentifier endpoint Validations:
Code | Description |
401 | Unauthorized. Include a WWW-Authenticate header field containing a challenge applicable to the requested resource. |
403 | Forbidden. The request was a valid request, but the server is refusing to respond to it. 403 error semantically means "unauthorized", i.e. the user does not have the necessary permissions for the resource. |
404 | Not Found. The requested resource could not be found. |
422 | Unprocessable Entity. The request was well-formed but was unable to be followed due to semantic errors. |
500 | Internal Server Error. An unexpected condition was encountered. |
request: { "product": { "code": "product_1", "name": "Product 1", "attribute_set": "Automotive", "product_type": "product", "status": "active", "brand": { "id": 1 }, "product_attributes": { "description": "Product 1 description", "npc_association_1": { "associated_id": 1 }, "npc_association_1": { "associated_code": "npc_entity_1" } }, "categories": [ { "path": "Engine Oil", "is_primary": true, "category_set": "default" } ], "entity_identifiers": [ { "key": "10000000001", "name": "Channel Name" }, { "key": "20000000002", "name": "Channel Name" } ], "shipping_zones": [ "AU_FREE" ] } } Sample: create a product in a one level attribute set with minimal data required { "product": { "code": "code-001", "name": "Name 001", "attribute_set": "Automotive", "product_type": "product", "status": "active" } } Sample: update some fields of an existing product { "product": { "code": "code-001", "product_attributes": { "description": "content test here", "gender": "Male" } } } Sample: update product code of an existing product { "product": { "code": "code-001", "_new_code": "code-0001-new" } } or { "product": { "id": 1, "_new_code": "code-0001-new" } } Sample: full sample of multi-level products. 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Note product code of each level must be supplied { "product": { "code": "code-001", "variants": { "code-001-blue": { "code": "code-001-blue1", "variants": { "code-001-blue-large": { "code": "code-001-blue-large", "product_attributes": { "description": "Fancy" }, "inventories": [ { "inventory_source": "DC1", "qty": 20, } ] } } } } } } Sample: Use product identifier (instead of code) to update product { "product": { "identifier_name": "MPN", "entity_key": "m-001", "product_attributes": { "description": "Product 2 description" } } } Class product Differences for class product: - product_class_name is used instead of attribute set. - json type custom attribute needs to be serialised string. - Single option and multi-option type custom attribute needs to be option value ID instead of label. See samples below. - variants element is not supported. See below for new element to link products. Sample for product creation { "product": { "code": "sku-12", "name": "Product ABC", "status": "inactive", "product_class_name": "Class ABC" } } Add three level products (Style-Colour-Size) or more along with associations { "product": { "name":"jacket", "code":"jacket", "status":"active", "product_type":"product", "product_class_name":"Style", "variants": { "jacket-red": { "name":"jacket-red", "code":"jacket-red", "status":"active", "product_type":"product", "product_class_name":"Colour", "parent_variations": [ {"product_code": "jacket"} ], "variants": { "jacket-red-sm": { "name":"jacket-red-sm", "code":"jacket-red-sm", "status":"active", "product_type":"product", "product_class_name":"Size", "parent_variations": [ {"product_code": "jacket-red"} ] } } }, "jacket-blue": { "name":"jacket-blue", "code":"jacket-blue", "status":"active", "product_type":"product", "product_class_name":"Colour", "parent_variations": [ {"product_code": "jacket"} ], "variants": { "jacket-blue-sm": { "name":"jacket-blue-sm", "code":"jacket-blue-sm", "status":"active", "product_type":"product", "product_class_name":"Size", "parent_variations": [ {"product_code": "jacket-blue"} ] } } } } } } Add Variations to Parent from Parent Product { "product": { "code": "ABC", "product_variations": [ { "child_id": 235 }, { "child_product_code": "ABC-Black" } ] } } Add Variations to Parent from Child Product { "product": { "code": "ABC-Black", "parent_variations": [ { "parent_id": 25 }, { "product_code": "ABC" } ] } } Add Product to Grouped products from Child product: { "product": { "code": "sku-12", "groups": [ { "group_id": 259 }, { "product_code": "group-3" } ] } } Add Product to Grouped products from Grouped Product: { "product": { "code": "sku-12", "group_members": [ { "member_id": 2583 }, { "sku_code": "sku-6", "sort_order": 100 } ] } } Add Child Related Products to Product { "product": { "code": "sku-12", "child_related_products": [ { "relationship_id": 1, "child_product_id": 12, "sort_order": 1, "status": "active" }, { "relationship_code": "relationship_1", "child_product_code": "child_product_code_1", "sort_order": 2, "status": "inactive" } ] } } Add Product to Parent Related Products { "product": { "code": "sku-12", "parent_related_products": [ { "relationship_id": 1, "parent_product_id": 12, "sort_order": 1, "status": "active" }, { "relationship_code": "relationship_1", "parent_product_code": "child_product_code_1", "sort_order": 2, "status": "inactive" } ] } } Add Product to Kit Products from Child product: { "product": { "code": "sku-12", "parent_kits": [ { "parent_id": 260, "qty": 2 }, { "parent_product_code": "kit-3", "qty": 1 } ] } } Add Product to Kit products from Parent Product: { "product": { "code": "kit-3", "kit_members": [ { "child_id": 2583, "qty": 2 }, { "child_product_code": "sku-6", "qty": 1 } ] } } Single option, multi option values: { "product": { "code": "sku-12" "product_attributes": { "option1": 2, "option2": [ { "code": "blue" } ], "option3": [4, 5], "option4": [ { "code": "A" }, { "code": "B" } ] } } } Multi association values: Supported Mode: - upsert: default - reset: Delete all existing association for this attribute, and replace with the current one. Send empty array to remove all existing values. { "product": { "code": "sku-12" "product_attributes": { "npc_association_1": { "associated_id": [1], "mode": "upsert" }, "npc_association_2": { "associated_code": ["npc_entity_1"], "mode": "reset" } } } } Create Single option, multi option values if not exists and assign to product: { "product": { "code": "sku-12" "product_attributes": { "option2": [ { "code": "blue", "name": "Blue" } ], "option4": [ { "code": "A", "name": "A" }, { "code": "B", "name": "B" } ] } } } Response (teannt version 1): { "en": { "id": 2, "product_type": "product", "code": "product_1", "status": "active", "product_attributes": { "description": { "base_type": "html", "value": "Product 1 description" }, "short_description": { "base_type": "html", "value": "" } }, "name": "Product 1", "is_complete": false, "incomplete_fields": { "missing_image": true, "missing_category": false, "missing_price": true, "missing_attributes": null }, "discontinued": false, "shipping_options": [], "attribute_set": { "id": 1, "name": "Automotive" }, "product_level": { "id": 1, "name": "Products" }, "brand": { "id": 1, "name": "MOTUL", "description": null, "logo_link": "" }, "product_categories": [ { "is_primary": true, "category_id": 1, "name": "Engine Oil", "path": "Engine Oil", "category_set": { "id": 1, "name": "default" } } ], "catalogs": [], "shipping_zones": [ { "id": 1, "name": "AU_FREE" } ], "media_items": [] }, "created_at": "2016-05-11T14:45:58.210+10:00", "updated_at": "2016-05-11T14:45:58.817+10:00" } Response (teannt version 2): { "id": 1, "product_type": "product", "code": "shirt-a", "status": "active", "product_attributes": { "description": { "value": "test5", "base_type": "html" }, "short_description": { "value": "test1", "base_type": "html" } }, "name": "Shirt A updated", "discontinued": false, "children": [ { "id": 7, "product_type": "product", "code": "shirt-a-white", "status": "active", "product_attributes": { "colour": { "value": "White", "base_type": "string" } }, "name": "shirt-a-white", "discontinued": false, "children": [ { "id": 10, "product_type": "product", "code": "shirt-a-white-xlarge", "status": "active", "product_attributes": { "ean": { "value": "", "base_type": "string" }, "gtin": { "value": "", "base_type": "string" }, "hero": { "value": false, "base_type": "boolean" }, "isbn": { "value": "", "base_type": "string" }, "size": { "value": "", "base_type": "string" }, "upca": { "value": "", "base_type": "string" } }, "name": "shirt-a-white-xlarge", "discontinued": false, "children": [] }, { "id": 8, "product_type": "product", "code": "shirt-a-white-small", "status": "active", "product_attributes": { "ean": { "value": "", "base_type": "string" }, "gtin": { "value": "", "base_type": "string" }, "hero": { "value": false, "base_type": "boolean" }, "isbn": { "value": "", "base_type": "string" }, "size": { "value": "", "base_type": "string" }, "upca": { "value": "", "base_type": "string" } }, "name": "shirt-a-white-small", "discontinued": false, "children": [] }, { "id": 9, "product_type": "product", "code": "shirt-a-white-large", "status": "active", "product_attributes": { "ean": { "value": "", "base_type": "string" }, "gtin": { "value": "", "base_type": "string" }, "hero": { "value": false, "base_type": "boolean" }, "isbn": { "value": "", "base_type": "string" }, "size": { "value": "", "base_type": "string" }, "upca": { "value": "", "base_type": "string" } }, "name": "shirt-a-white-large", "discontinued": false, "children": [] } ] }, { "id": 2, "product_type": "product", "code": "shirt-a-black", "status": "active", "product_attributes": { "colour": { "value": "black", "base_type": "string" } }, "name": "Shirt A Black updated 2", "discontinued": false, "children": [ { "id": 11, "product_type": "product", "code": "shirt-a-black-xlarge", "status": "active", "product_attributes": { "ean": { "value": "", "base_type": "string" }, "gtin": { "value": "", "base_type": "string" }, "hero": { "value": false, "base_type": "boolean" }, "isbn": { "value": "", "base_type": "string" }, "size": { "value": "", "base_type": "string" }, "upca": { "value": "", "base_type": "string" } }, "name": "shirt-a-black-xlarge", "discontinued": false, "children": [] }, { "id": 3, "product_type": "product", "code": "shirt-a-black-small", "status": "active", "product_attributes": { "ean": { "value": "", "base_type": "string" }, "gtin": { "value": "", "base_type": "string" }, "hero": { "value": false, "base_type": "boolean" }, "isbn": { "value": "", "base_type": "string" }, "size": { "value": "Small", "base_type": "string" }, "upca": { "value": "", "base_type": "string" } }, "name": "Shirt A Black Small updated 1", "discontinued": false, "children": [] }, { "id": 6, "product_type": "product", "code": "shirt-a-black-large", "status": "inactive", "product_attributes": { "ean": { "value": "", "base_type": "string" }, "gtin": { "value": "", "base_type": "string" }, "hero": { "value": false, "base_type": "boolean" }, "isbn": { "value": "", "base_type": "string" }, "size": { "value": "Large", "base_type": "string" }, "upca": { "value": "", "base_type": "string" } }, "name": "shirt-a-black-large", "discontinued": false, "children": [] } ] }, { "id": 12, "product_type": "product", "code": "shirt-a-orange", "status": "active", "product_attributes": { "colour": { "value": "Orange", "base_type": "string" } }, "name": "shirt-a-orange", "discontinued": false, "children": [] } ] } Response for Class product: attribute_values is returned instead of product_attributes. { "id": 2712, "product_type": null, "code": "csv-group-1", "status": "active", "product_attributes": null, "name": "csv-group-1", "class_type": "grouped", "discontinued": false, "children": [], "attribute_values": [ { "attribute_definition_id": 25, "attribute_definition_code": "multi_option_attributes", "data": [] }, { "attribute_definition_id": 2, "attribute_definition_code": "short_description", "data": "" } ] }
Param name | Description |
product required |
product[locale] optional , nil allowed |
Locale for this product. Should be one of the language codes defined on CommerceConnect. Defaults to the default language. Validations:
product[name] optional , nil allowed |
Product or sku name Validations:
product[code] optional , nil allowed |
Unique identifier for product and sku Validations:
product[_new_code] optional , nil allowed |
Update the code of existing product Validations:
product[attribute_set] optional , nil allowed |
Attribute set name that this product is assigned to. This must be created beforehand Validations:
product[product_class_name] optional , nil allowed |
Class name that this product is assigned to. This must be created beforehand Validations:
product[product_family_code] optional , nil allowed |
Product family code Validations:
product[product_type] optional , nil allowed |
product[status] optional , nil allowed |
product[kit_create_mode] optional , nil allowed |
Provide this only for creating new kit. Empty kit - create empty kit in the provided attribute set. Clone from existing SKU - create a kit by copying all data from the product with code in base_sku_code_for_clone field Validations:
product[base_sku_code_for_clone] optional , nil allowed |
The product code (must be SKU/bottom level product) to clone for new kit. kit_create_mode must be Clone from existing SKU. Provide this only for creating new kit Validations:
product[brand] optional , nil allowed |
product[brand][id] optional , nil allowed |
Brand ID Validations:
product[product_attributes] optional , nil allowed |
product[product_attributes][_any_attribute_code_] optional , nil allowed |
The key of attribute is attribute code and value is a valid json type that matches the base type of the attribute Validations:
product[dimension] optional , nil allowed |
product[dimension][length] optional , nil allowed |
product[dimension][width] optional , nil allowed |
product[dimension][height] optional , nil allowed |
product[dimension][weight] optional , nil allowed |
product[packed_dimension] optional , nil allowed |
product[packed_dimension][length] optional , nil allowed |
product[packed_dimension][width] optional , nil allowed |
product[packed_dimension][height] optional , nil allowed |
product[packed_dimension][weight] optional , nil allowed |
product[shipping_zones] optional , nil allowed |
Replace existing shipping zones with these new shipping zones Validations:
product[price_items] optional , nil allowed |
Add new prices or update existing prices if they exist. Validations:
product[price_items][price_book_name] optional , nil allowed |
Name of an existing price book to which this price item is linked Validations:
product[price_items][from] optional , nil allowed |
Valid from Validations:
product[price_items][to] optional , nil allowed |
Valid to Validations:
product[price_items][amount] optional , nil allowed |
product[categories] optional , nil allowed |
Set the product’s categories to these categories (existing categories will be removed) Validations:
product[categories][id] optional , nil allowed |
Category ID Validations:
product[catalogs] optional , nil allowed |
Link these catalogs with the product. Validations:
product[catalogs][id] optional , nil allowed |
Catalog ID Validations:
product[catalogs][name] optional , nil allowed |
Catalog name Validations:
product[media_items] optional , nil allowed |
Set the product’s media items to these (existing media items will be removed). Validations:
product[media_items][media_item_type] optional , nil allowed |
product[media_items][url] optional , nil allowed |
URL that stores the corresponding media item Validations:
product[media_items][description] optional , nil allowed |
Description for the media item Validations:
product[media_items][sort_order_position] optional , nil allowed |
The position of the media item. Non negative integer is supported Validations:
product[media_items][is_primary] optional , nil allowed |
Make this media item as primary Validations:
product[media_items][tag_list] optional , nil allowed |
Tags for this media item Validations:
product[media_items][processing_options] optional , nil allowed |
Options to perform extra image processing on the media item. This is applicable only when media_item_type is ‘ImageMediaItem’ Validations:
product[media_items][processing_options][apply_background] optional , nil allowed |
Setting this to true would result in a new media item created against the product with background applied. Removes transparency. Validations:
product[media_items][processing_options][background_colour] optional , nil allowed |
The colour name or a hex colour code for the background colour for the created media item. Defaults to white. Validations:
product[media_items][processing_options][processed_tags] optional , nil allowed |
The tags for the created media item. Validations:
product[inventories] optional , nil allowed |
Add new inventory or update existing inventory data Validations:
product[inventories][inventory_source] optional , nil allowed |
Inventory source name to which this inventory is applied Validations:
product[inventories][sku] optional , nil allowed |
Inventory source related SKU Validations:
product[inventories][qty] optional , nil allowed |
Quantity in the inventory source specified Validations:
product[inventories][available_qty] optional , nil allowed |
Available quantity in the inventory source specified Validations:
product[inventories][stock_availability] optional , nil allowed |
Flag to indicate the stock level Validations:
product[inventories][out_of_stock_threshold] optional , nil allowed |
Out of stock threshold Validations:
product[inventories][dispatch_time] optional , nil allowed |
Dispatch time Validations:
product[inventories][dispatch_time_unit] optional , nil allowed |
Dispatch time unit Validations:
product[inventories][unit_cost] optional , nil allowed |
Unit cost of the product for this inventory source Validations:
product[inventories][style] optional , nil allowed |
Dynamic means Qty changes and Static means Qty stays the same. This is related to inventory decrement for order download Validations:
product[variants] optional , nil allowed |
product[variants][_product_code_] optional , nil allowed |
Child product. It accepts the params of a product Validations:
product[virtual_products] optional , nil allowed |
product[virtual_products][_virtual_product_code_] optional , nil allowed |
product[virtual_products][_virtual_product_code_][code] optional , nil allowed |
Unique identifier for virtual product Validations:
product[virtual_products][_virtual_product_code_][name] optional , nil allowed |
Virtual product name. Required for creating new virtual Validations:
product[virtual_products][_virtual_product_code_][status] optional , nil allowed |
Required for creating new virtual product Validations:
product[virtual_products][_virtual_product_code_][attributes] optional , nil allowed |
product[virtual_products][_virtual_product_code_][attributes][_any_attribute_code_] optional , nil allowed |
The key of attribute is attribute code and value is a valid json type that matches the base type of the attribute Validations:
product[kit_skus] optional , nil allowed |
product[kit_skus][product_code] required |
Product code. It must be at bottom level (SKU) and cannot be a Kit Validations:
product[kit_skus][qty] required |
The qty of the bundled SKU Validations:
Code | Description |
401 | Unauthorized. Include a WWW-Authenticate header field containing a challenge applicable to the requested resource. |
403 | Forbidden. The request was a valid request, but the server is refusing to respond to it. 403 error semantically means "unauthorized", i.e. the user does not have the necessary permissions for the resource. |
404 | Not Found. The requested resource could not be found. |
422 | Unprocessable Entity. The request was well-formed but was unable to be followed due to semantic errors. |
500 | Internal Server Error. An unexpected condition was encountered. |
request: Same as product create response: Same as product create
Param name | Description |
product required |
product[locale] optional , nil allowed |
Locale for this product. Should be one of the language codes defined on CommerceConnect. Defaults to the default language. Validations:
product[name] optional , nil allowed |
Product or sku name Validations:
product[code] optional , nil allowed |
Unique identifier for product and sku Validations:
product[_new_code] optional , nil allowed |
Update the code of existing product Validations:
product[attribute_set] optional , nil allowed |
Attribute set name that this product is assigned to. This must be created beforehand Validations:
product[product_class_name] optional , nil allowed |
Class name that this product is assigned to. This must be created beforehand Validations:
product[product_family_code] optional , nil allowed |
Product family code Validations:
product[product_type] optional , nil allowed |
product[status] optional , nil allowed |
product[kit_create_mode] optional , nil allowed |
Provide this only for creating new kit. Empty kit - create empty kit in the provided attribute set. Clone from existing SKU - create a kit by copying all data from the product with code in base_sku_code_for_clone field Validations:
product[base_sku_code_for_clone] optional , nil allowed |
The product code (must be SKU/bottom level product) to clone for new kit. kit_create_mode must be Clone from existing SKU. Provide this only for creating new kit Validations:
product[brand] optional , nil allowed |
product[brand][id] optional , nil allowed |
Brand ID Validations:
product[product_attributes] optional , nil allowed |
product[product_attributes][_any_attribute_code_] optional , nil allowed |
The key of attribute is attribute code and value is a valid json type that matches the base type of the attribute Validations:
product[dimension] optional , nil allowed |
product[dimension][length] optional , nil allowed |
product[dimension][width] optional , nil allowed |
product[dimension][height] optional , nil allowed |
product[dimension][weight] optional , nil allowed |
product[packed_dimension] optional , nil allowed |
product[packed_dimension][length] optional , nil allowed |
product[packed_dimension][width] optional , nil allowed |
product[packed_dimension][height] optional , nil allowed |
product[packed_dimension][weight] optional , nil allowed |
product[shipping_zones] optional , nil allowed |
Replace existing shipping zones with these new shipping zones Validations:
product[price_items] optional , nil allowed |
Add new prices or update existing prices if they exist. Validations:
product[price_items][price_book_name] optional , nil allowed |
Name of an existing price book to which this price item is linked Validations:
product[price_items][from] optional , nil allowed |
Valid from Validations:
product[price_items][to] optional , nil allowed |
Valid to Validations:
product[price_items][amount] optional , nil allowed |
product[categories] optional , nil allowed |
Set the product’s categories to these categories (existing categories will be removed) Validations:
product[categories][id] optional , nil allowed |
Category ID Validations:
product[catalogs] optional , nil allowed |
Link these catalogs with the product. Validations:
product[catalogs][id] optional , nil allowed |
Catalog ID Validations:
product[catalogs][name] optional , nil allowed |
Catalog name Validations:
product[media_items] optional , nil allowed |
Set the product’s media items to these (existing media items will be removed). Validations:
product[media_items][media_item_type] optional , nil allowed |
product[media_items][url] optional , nil allowed |
URL that stores the corresponding media item Validations:
product[media_items][description] optional , nil allowed |
Description for the media item Validations:
product[media_items][sort_order_position] optional , nil allowed |
The position of the media item. Non negative integer is supported Validations:
product[media_items][is_primary] optional , nil allowed |
Make this media item as primary Validations:
product[media_items][tag_list] optional , nil allowed |
Tags for this media item Validations:
product[media_items][processing_options] optional , nil allowed |
Options to perform extra image processing on the media item. This is applicable only when media_item_type is ‘ImageMediaItem’ Validations:
product[media_items][processing_options][apply_background] optional , nil allowed |
Setting this to true would result in a new media item created against the product with background applied. Removes transparency. Validations:
product[media_items][processing_options][background_colour] optional , nil allowed |
The colour name or a hex colour code for the background colour for the created media item. Defaults to white. Validations:
product[media_items][processing_options][processed_tags] optional , nil allowed |
The tags for the created media item. Validations:
product[inventories] optional , nil allowed |
Add new inventory or update existing inventory data Validations:
product[inventories][inventory_source] optional , nil allowed |
Inventory source name to which this inventory is applied Validations:
product[inventories][sku] optional , nil allowed |
Inventory source related SKU Validations:
product[inventories][qty] optional , nil allowed |
Quantity in the inventory source specified Validations:
product[inventories][available_qty] optional , nil allowed |
Available quantity in the inventory source specified Validations:
product[inventories][stock_availability] optional , nil allowed |
Flag to indicate the stock level Validations:
product[inventories][out_of_stock_threshold] optional , nil allowed |
Out of stock threshold Validations:
product[inventories][dispatch_time] optional , nil allowed |
Dispatch time Validations:
product[inventories][dispatch_time_unit] optional , nil allowed |
Dispatch time unit Validations:
product[inventories][unit_cost] optional , nil allowed |
Unit cost of the product for this inventory source Validations:
product[inventories][style] optional , nil allowed |
Dynamic means Qty changes and Static means Qty stays the same. This is related to inventory decrement for order download Validations:
product[variants] optional , nil allowed |
product[variants][_product_code_] optional , nil allowed |
Child product. It accepts the params of a product Validations:
product[virtual_products] optional , nil allowed |
product[virtual_products][_virtual_product_code_] optional , nil allowed |
product[virtual_products][_virtual_product_code_][code] optional , nil allowed |
Unique identifier for virtual product Validations:
product[virtual_products][_virtual_product_code_][name] optional , nil allowed |
Virtual product name. Required for creating new virtual Validations:
product[virtual_products][_virtual_product_code_][status] optional , nil allowed |
Required for creating new virtual product Validations:
product[virtual_products][_virtual_product_code_][attributes] optional , nil allowed |
product[virtual_products][_virtual_product_code_][attributes][_any_attribute_code_] optional , nil allowed |
The key of attribute is attribute code and value is a valid json type that matches the base type of the attribute Validations:
product[kit_skus] optional , nil allowed |
product[kit_skus][product_code] optional |
Product code. It must be at bottom level (SKU) and cannot be a Kit Validations:
product[kit_skus][qty] optional |
The qty of the bundled SKU Validations:
Code | Description |
401 | Unauthorized. Include a WWW-Authenticate header field containing a challenge applicable to the requested resource. |
403 | Forbidden. The request was a valid request, but the server is refusing to respond to it. 403 error semantically means "unauthorized", i.e. the user does not have the necessary permissions for the resource. |
404 | Not Found. The requested resource could not be found. |
422 | Unprocessable Entity. The request was well-formed but was unable to be followed due to semantic errors. |
500 | Internal Server Error. An unexpected condition was encountered. |
response: { "id": 8 }
Code | Description |
401 | Unauthorized. Include a WWW-Authenticate header field containing a challenge applicable to the requested resource. |
403 | Forbidden. The request was a valid request, but the server is refusing to respond to it. 403 error semantically means "unauthorized", i.e. the user does not have the necessary permissions for the resource. |
404 | Not Found. The requested resource could not be found. |
422 | Unprocessable Entity. The request was well-formed but was unable to be followed due to semantic errors. |
500 | Internal Server Error. An unexpected condition was encountered. |
Response: { "page": 1, "per_page": 50, "total_pages": 1, "total_entries": 1, "entries": [ { "id": 25, "code": "product-one", "created_at": "2019-10-03T10:26:47.873+10:00", "updated_at": "2020-01-16T14:02:14.675+11:00", "attributes": [ { "id": 161, "created_at": "2019-10-03T10:26:48.991+10:00", "updated_at": "2020-01-16T13:59:59.564+11:00", "attribute_definition_code": "description", "data": "Vibrant colour" } ] } ] }
Param name | Description |
per_page optional |
Number of objects in one response. Default is 50 Validations:
page optional |
Page number. Default is 1 Validations:
created_time_from optional |
ISO_8601 format 2016-05-30T05:13:26Z Validations:
created_time_to optional |
ISO_8601 format 2016-05-30T05:13:26Z Validations:
updated_time_from optional |
ISO_8601 format 2016-05-30T05:13:26Z Validations:
updated_time_to optional |
ISO_8601 format 2016-05-30T05:13:26Z Validations:
attributes required |
attributes[attribute_definition_codes] required |
attributes[response_attribute_definition_codes] optional |